Sunday, April 28, 2013

UPDATE: Carbon Credits International (OTC: CARN) up 88% since our initial coverage

Carbon Credits International (OTC: CARN)

Since our initial alert of $0.0053, CARN has been showing HUGE strength and bullish momentum with a solid close Friday at key price levels of $0.01. This opens up the door to a large group of investors which are prohibited in trading sub penny stocks. This could definitely create added momentum for next week.
The following price evaluation is based on technical indicators for short and long term trends and has been provided by a third party (Direct Global Media). This will also be distributed to a large international investor base this weekend and could bring some heavy hitters into the market next week!
The company (CARN) recently updated confirming a small float of 40M
CARN Security Details
Share Structure
Market Value1 $514,018 a/o Apr 25, 2013
Shares Outstanding 63,150,865 a/o Apr 26, 2013
Float 40,677,655 a/o Apr 26, 2013
Authorized Shares 100,000,000 a/o Apr 02, 2013
Par Value 0.0001
Shareholders of Record 144 a/o Apr 05, 2013
Corporate Actions Ex. Date Record Date Pay Date
Security Notes
•Note = deleted from NASDAQ on 08/16/07
•Capital Change
Technical Price Evaluation Source: Direct Global Media
Chart this week showing 2 clear “blue” sky breakout levels.
The 1st “Blue Sky” breakout level of $0.03 (500% potential gains) was once the price support level last year (2012). CARN recently broke through it’s level 1 resistance price of $0.006 when we alerted it on Thursday. This was clearly a strong indication that CARN is ready to move to the next level and where we see prices gravitating towards the $0.03 price point. With continue momentum and stock exposure, this goal could be met.
Looking at the 2nd “Blue” Sky breakout level of $0.20 (3,600% potential gains), this represents CARN‘s highest trading level last year. Once the 1st breakout level is breached, prices are set to now gravitate towards this $0.20 price point. But will be based on several conditions:
The company progresses with their business plan,
Continuous company updates with key contract and revenue base news
Minimal dilution to company stock structure.
If these conditions are met, technically prices should gravitate towards this 2nd long term price point of $0.20
carn chart
We look to Direct Global Media for a detailed valuation based on Fundamentals of the company to derive short term and long term targets. We expect Direct Global Media to provide this detailed research report next week after compiling current information and market potential.
We will update our members when Direct Global Media research report is available – no doubt this report by Direct Global Media could add a new level and new trading group to take advantage of CARN’s potential.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


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Friday, April 5, 2013

Our much anticipated profile is Easton Pharmaceuticals (OTC: EAPH)

Published April 5, 2013 | Edit
EAPH Security Details

Shares Outstanding 87,813,017 a/o Nov 27, 2012
Float 62,811,618 a/o Nov 27, 2012
Authorized Shares 230,000,000 a/o Nov 27, 2012
Par Value 0.0001
Shareholders of Record 198 a/o Nov 27, 2012 has a long term buy recommendation

EAPH has been fairly dormant for about a year until recently updating their filings and becoming more transparent, which is a costly process for a small company. After reviewing the recent filings we feel there may be a product launch coming soon. The timing appears to be on target with the chart setting up and increasing daily volume. Here is our due diligence…

Why Invest In Easton Pharmaceuticals and The Woman’s Health care Industry? The world drug market to treat male and female sexual disorders is currently $4.7 billion and expected to grow to $6.6 billion by 2012.

Drug market for sexual disorders is primarily focused on male erectile dysfunction with Viagra, Cialis and Levitra dominating the market. No approved drug options available to treat female sexual arousal disorders in North America and OTC options are ineffective and limited.

Female sexual disorders are estimated to affect 84 million women in the top 7 pharma countries.

US market is estimated at 30-47 million women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder or low sex drive affecting 33.4% of women aged 18-59, difficulty with orgasm 24.1% and 14.4% experiencing pain with intercourse. Premenopausal and menopausal women want to maintain their sexual vitality.

Viorra as an alternative to ineffective hormonal therapies

Millions of women have discovered that traditional hormonal therapies offered by the pharmaceutical industry for the past 50 years are simply not effective in allowing women to enjoy normal sexual pleasure and sensation.

Women do not want to use a ‘drug’ for these conditions. Viorra™ is an over-the-counter topical gel that is safe, effective, and with daily use restores a woman’s vaginal lubricity, and helps improve sensation.

About Easton

Easton Pharmaceuticals is a specialty pharmaceutical company that designs, develops and markets a range of premium, topically delivered therapeutic health care products. The company’s proprietary gel formulation is an innovative and unique transdermal delivery system.

The system is the technology that allows for the rapid development of non-invasive, naturally derived topical solutions that have the ability to revitalize and stimulate the healing of a variety of skin and tissue conditions. The transdermal delivery system allows for the targeted delivery of active ingredients, vitamins and herbs through the skin to the underlying tissue.

The company has utilized its transdermal delivery system to develop a safe and effective female sexual enhancement product. The company’s goal is to develop a portfolio of topical pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical products targeting various skin and tissue conditions including: scars and stretch marks, cellulite and varicose veins.

Seeking Alpha Article-mentioning buyout opportunity

Pharmaceuticals offer some of the strongest risk/reward plays. From high dividend yields and inelastic demand to blockbuster drugs and buyout opportunities, they are ideal for both income and aggressive investors. As an IR consultant, I see significant upside potential for Amarillo Bio sciences (AMAR.OB) and Easton Pharmaceuticals (EAPH.PK) off of greater press coverage. They are significantly undervalued and would help catalyze revenue for larger health care firms. (read full article)

More due diligence links:

As always, you heard it here first and should expect other newsletters to follow suit as the market catches on…

(tagged 2-6 weeks)