CMG Holdings, Inc. (CMGO) CMGO's Current market value is only 1.2 million? Year to date CMGO has had over 4.7 million in revenues in 2011 and currently has over 400k in cash based on the last quartely sattement. Wow, Can you say undervalued? They have recently applied for an increase in authourized shares to take the share structure from 150 million to 450 million. Based on the most recent sec filing This is to be used for one of the following purposes: For issuance by the Board for stock splits or stock dividends, acquisitions, raising additional capital, stock options or other corporate purposes. The additional shares of Common Stock could be used for potential strategic transactions, including, among other things, acquisitions, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, restructurings, business combinations and investments. It's pretty easy to see somethings going on here and during a time when the companies stock is hitting a 52 week low. If a forward split or stock dividend is planned they are big money makers in the otc markets. The company has been pumping out alot of PR lately too. This leads us to beleive something BIG is definately on the horizon. We have compiled some information on CMGO for everyone below. P.S. We would like your feedback and are happy to answer any questions you may have. still holding GSPT and GBIQ waiting on updates! CMGO 52 week range .012 - .40 Link to the last 10Q |

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