Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First Penny Picks Update on Recent Penny Stock Reports : Blog

First Penny Picks Update on Recent Penny Stock Reports : Blog

Welcome to our new members, we wanted to issue a quick update on our last few alerts and give everyone a heads up on a couple we are currently working on.

ETGG, issued news on the acquisition of SBSI Nutraceuticals. The PR mentioned a flurry of announcements to be forthcoming after the holiday. This one could see a paid promotion soon.

MKBY, is still holding strong at 65% more than the alert a month later hitting a high of .032 from the .0145 alert. News should be forthcoming.

RFMK, our latest alert, is slow going with no suprise. Most traders won't be trading until after the holidays. RFMK is on news watch.

We are working on a low float pre-promo profile, and a reverse merger that also has a tiny float. We are extremely excited about the next two alerts! You may kick yourself if you miss them!

Happy Trading,
The Team at FPP

Always bringing you 100% uncompensated and unbiased penny stocks before the crowd.

Recent Winners: ATRN 3600% ,  AUCI 200%,  AXLX 300%, BBRD 100%, JNSH 250%, MKBY 110%