Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Warren Buffet Stock vs. First Penny Stock Picks

” Would you rather make 10-20% in a year or 100-1000% in a week? “

If you are an active trader buying stock in the stock market. Then you have heard of Warren Buffet Investments or Berkshire Hathaway. Some call him the Oracle of Omaha. The reality is unless your portfolio consists of two million dollars plus you may be better off building your trading account balance with small-cap and micro-cap trading. We here at First Penny Picks have regularly outperformed Warren Buffet’s stock picks time and time again. Waiting a few months to a few years for your investment to mature while half the world is in turmoil is not always the best strategy. Would you rather make 10-20% a year or 100-1000% in a week? That’s right the secretive and hidden Micro-cap Market has been providing these type’s of gains for decades. We are here to expose the potential of penny stocks to all traders small and large. So, whether your trading with five hundred dollars or a million dollars, you can make large and fast gains with up and coming small-cap companies. We don’t know how you were fortunate enough to run across our little newsletter but, If your feeling real “crazy” sign up for our free stock alerts and see for yourself.
We DO NOT accept compensation for our stock alerts!